REST API GET calls now support the ability to pass the Division as an override to the API API user's default Division.
A new optional header called "Division-Code" exists where you can now include the Division code. This will ensure the correct results are returned for the API users current Division.
The API user account must have user access to the division to be able to successfully pass it in the API call. If not, you will receive an error message.
Division-Code : GS
In Postman:
Response body on creation
POST calls now include sub-table IDs of any sub-table records created by the call.
Attachment File Upload
The REST API now provides the ability to upload an attachment file that auto creates the attachment record.
The file type needs to already exist as a defined Attachment Type (System - Setup - Attachment Types) to be successfully uploaded. The ability to delete is also provided.
The attachment record will be auto created assigning the matching Attachment Type and description as the filename.
Multiple files can be uploaded in a single POST API call.
Use form-data for the body.
Where attachment_keystring is made up of a concatenation of document ID and record ID
- Document ID for Work Orders = 10339 (see document customisation list for IDs)
- A specific Work Order ID = 100-1
The response will include the IDs of the created attachment records.
Full cURL example:
curl --location 'https://devwcumpapp2.xytech.xytechsystems.com/xyt_main/api/v2/database/XYT_MAIN_RUBY_V/SysAttachment/attachment_keystring=10339:100-1' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
--form '=@"/C:/temp/DetailsOn100-1.txt"' \
--form '=@"/C:/temp/A File.pdf"'
Delete attachment file example:DELETE {{server}}/SysAttachment/attachment_keystring=10339:100-1/sys_attachment/attachment_no=2205
SysContactFacade ability to create User and Vendor profiles
The existing /SysContactFacade endpoint now supports the creation and updating of User and Vendor contact types (profiles).
Additional query parameters
NOTIN (Not in)
Ability to query where a field's value does not match an array of supplied values.
Usage example: {{server}}/PmProjectList?query={"project_desc":{"$notin":["test", "Sarah"]}}
Applies to GET queries.
LIKEAND (Like and)
Ability to define an array of matching values that all have to match regardless of the order defined.
Applies to GET queries.
Swagger/OpenAPI definition now downloadable as JSON
The Swagger document definition now provides the ability to download the definition as a JSON file instead of a YAML.
Link child titles to parent in single API call
REST API now provides a new endpoint that gives the ability to manage new or existing Titles and assign the Title to a parent Title in a single API call. New endpoint: /LibTitleHierarchyFacade.
Known issues
There are differences in the way Swagger reports a payload definition between POST & GET calls.
Swagger defines the payload for a sub-table GET differently to how the REST API actually responds.
'upsert' is now supported via the PUT method
Ability to create or update if record already exists. see: Upsert
Compression is now supported
Compression is enabled by default when making calls using a standard header:Accept-Encoding: gzip or deflate
This applies to all API methods.
A couple of real-world examples that shows the benefit of using compression, where a list of transactions were retrieved using a GET list endpoint for a date range:
Example #1
Without compression: Takes 5 seconds and has a payload of 4.4 MB.
With compression: Takes 4 seconds and has a payload of 142 KB.
Example #2
Without compression: 22 seconds with response size of 9.47 MB
With compression: 8 seconds with response size of 320 KB
In this example, compression made the payload a 30th the size.
It is recommend to always use compression.
Greater than and less than new query parameters
You can now use query parameters with:
- LessThanOrEqual ($lte)
- LessThan ($lt)
- GreaterThanOrEqual ($gte)
- GreaterThan ($gt)
e.g. Title numbers greater than 106438
{"title_no":{"$gt": "106438"}}
Ability to use resultColumns for defining sub-table fields to return on maintenance docs.
When calling a maintenance document using a GET that includes a URL sub-table filter, you can now use the 'resultColumns' parameters to define the fields you want returned in the response body. Previously the resultColumns parameter was only respected for the primary table and all fields were returned for the sub-table. By specifying the fields you want returned helps maintain overall system performance.
Example of defining the field value you want to be returned from a Job subtable called Episode:
This will return only responses with the Episode title_no values for job 342.
A more complex example where there is a sub-sub-table involved:
Returns Operation details for a transmission order for a specific Service Row.
Corrected null date values
Fixed in v10.6SP1 and v11.0, creating date fields with a null value now correctly sets the date value to null instead of "0001-01-01T00:00:00". This applies to POST/PUT/PATCH methods.
- Swagger documentation now includes the PATCH method using a POST payload
- Swagger includes example payloads for sub-tables (previously not populated).
- Swagger now includes PATCH method for list documents.
- Other Swagger improvements and corrections to missing parameter fields.
- Additional header parameters for optimization and filtering
- Ignore alternate keys
- Omit null values
- Filter results for maintenance documents