Deprecation Announcements
Deprecated in this Release
No Deprecations in this release.
Pre-Announcing Deprecations in Future Releases
Smart Client for end users
Smart Client will not be supported for normal users at version 11.0 and beyond. Smart Client will still be supported for Layouts and Report Writer until a replacement of equivalent functionality in the web UX is made available in a future release.
The Application Server configuration entry for SKY_BROADCAST_CHANGES will be deprecated in version 11.0 and beyond. It has been determined that this setting was causing major, unnecessary performance issues in systems with 100 or more users. Going forward the system will not broadcast changes to all user sessions. Users will continue to receive changes from other users upon re-opening a particular Maintenance Document or Search List. This primarily affects refreshing of searches, and the population of dropdown lists when new values are recently added. Broadcasting of booking changes into the Schedule Book will remain active.
REST API v1 will not be supported in version 11.0 and beyond.
SOAP API will be deprecated in a future version. It is recommended you do not use it for any new development.
Begin now to port all integrations to the REST API v2 and be sure to take advantage of the new Web Hooks features now available for outbound integrations. The ability to utilize REST API V1 will be removed starting with version 11.1.
Additions and Enhancements
Accounting Menus Relocation
The Accounts Payable module has been removed. The Setup items that were under that module are now located in a sub-menu under System > Setup.
The Banking module has been removed. Deposit Batches and Banking setup are now available under sub-menus in Accounts Receivable. [16666]
APIs and Integration
Acumatica Integration to Account for Package Transaction Details
Platform Invoice to Acumatica A/R Invoice and Project Transaction integration has been modified to send package transaction detail row amounts instead of the package total transaction row only to Acumatica.
Prerequisites and Assumptions TDO 149086 must be operational. [6941 / tdo155768]
Atempo Digital Archive - Digital Order Adapter
A Platform Media Order Adapter has been developed to Atempo Miria (AM), allowing for the automatic creation and monitoring of restore jobs through Platform Media Order (MO) Operations (Platform Tasks). Prerequisites and Assumptions: The Platform Digital Order module must be licensed for this feature. [6962 / tdo128495]
Download All Materials from Netflix Backlot
The Netflix Backlot Portal is a web-based system designed to help Netflix’ content and fulfillment partners manage Material Requests. The BacklotPortal provides a JSON-based REST Web Service API, for client applications to receive and fulfill Material Requests, update request status, etc. The Material Requests in Backlot shall create Platform Media Orders (MO). MO Services may be configured to update the associated request status in Backlot. This feature adds the capability to download the Material Requests in Backlot to Platform Media Order as Sources. [6697 / tdo144439]
Modify Invoice PO# to QuickBooks
The QuickBooks adapter will now send the Invoice PO if it has a value. If not, it will send the Job PO. Prerequisites and Assumptions: The QuickBooks adapter must be operational.
Required Configuration:
Replaceexisting workflow XSLT fileQuickBooksWC.xsltwith the new one provided (new XSLT). [6909 / tdo162682]
POST Response body includes IDs of created data objects
All REST API POST calls now respond with the ID(s) of the created records via the response body. This has been done to make the REST APIs more standards compliant. Previously the ID was only passed back within the response header. Note: These changes are ONLY available in REST API v2. [4369]
REST API GET /SysUserList ability to query on date_changed or date_added
The REST API now has the ability to GET SysUserList using query parameters that include date_changed or date_added. [16614]
REST API Save Argument: Cancelling Service Row Inactivates Assets Linked to Target Sources
Expanding on a change from TDO 154446, the call for updating Service Status has been modified to allow for answering the question whether Assets linked to Target Sources should be inactivated.
The save argument to invoke this feature is “Cancel Target”:”C”
Prerequisites and Assumptions: TDO 154446 must be operational. The Media Order module must be licensed and configured. All configurations must be in place to run REST API. [6638 / tdo166077]
User ID added to REST API Call Logging
When REST API logging is enabled on the app server, the logs now include the User ID that made the API call. This facilitates troubleshooting. [16888]
Bid Occurrence Date Entry Improvements
The calendar widget that opens for adding Occurrence dates in a bid has been improved. The calendar allows a visual of 3, 6 and 12-month ranges by default, with the ability to drag the window to see more or less. Dates can be selected by clicking on the week number or day header as well as using single click and Ctrl- and -Shift-click. An option has been added to disable non-working days, which include system defined holidays. Options have been added for each day of the week to allow disabling a day or days for selection -- e.g. disable to not allow selecting Mondays. [4812]
Budget Vs Actual Detail Report (Job Status Resource - 365) - Group/Sum By Billing Code AR Category
The Job Status Report may now include the AR Category of Billing Codes.
Note: This value isn't in the standard layout but is available for site custom layouts. [6337 / tdo171413]
Framework - UX
Attachments for Child Tables
Attachments may now be enabled for child records, such as Service Rows within Media and Transmission Orders. When enabled, an Attachment Count field is available to be added to the layout which shows the count of attachments per child row and serves as a hyperlink to open the Attachments window. ‘Attachment Count’ can also be turned on for searches specific to child records, examples being Media Order/Transmission Service Row Search, Bid Detail search, PO Detail search or Time Card Activities List. ‘Attachment Count’ on search screens maintains the same function as on maintenance documents. [15592 / tdo165847]
Configure Background Color for Document Custom Computed Column Fields
A Document Customization Computed Column field may now be set up to change colors based on certain values of the field or a calculation with other fields. [8946 / tdo168644]
Current User Criteria for Search Lists and Reports
A ‘Current User’ option is now available in criterion that reference the Users list. This recognizes the logged in user and searches by their User Id. This can be saved in Saved Filters, which allows an administrator or manager to create one Saved Filter to apply as a default to multiple users such that each user would log in and search for their records by default. The ‘Edit’ option has been enabled for criteria fields in Roles for sites that want to disallow users from changing the default criteria. [6637 / tdo169077]
Layout Description as Tab & Document Title
A new option has been added to Document Customizations that allows the administrator to configure selected documents to use the Layout Title for the Tab and Document title instead of the document name.
Prerequisite: In 10.6 a custom layout must be created from the standard Document Customizations Layout (XeDocField).
Using the Document Customizations List, locate and open the document you want to utilize the Layout Title for Tabs and Window Titles. E.g. Select Job
Check the box next to 'Use Layout Title as Tab/Document Title
Save and close.
Now that document will show the selected layout title in both the Tab and the Window. [6749 / tdo159660]
Load Additional Contacts on Multiple Records at Once
A ‘Load Additional Contacts’ action has been added to the following search lists to allow a user to load the same list(s) to multiple records at a time:
- Work Orders
- Media Orders
- Transmission Orders
- Jobs
- Work Orders in Jobs (separate from above)
- MCR List
- Media Assets
- Titles
- Projects
Prerequisites and Assumptions:
- Additional Contacts are available for many records throughout Platform.
- This specification adds the new action for only some of these. [6684 / tdo168521]
Job Management
Modifications to Bid/Job Comparison Report
Additional Amount, Currency, Tax and Variance fields are now available to be added to site custom ‘Bid/Job Comparison Report’ layouts:
- Currency
- Estimated Tax
- Estimated FC Tax
- Tax on header
- Tax on detail
- FC Bid Variance
- Bid Detail FC Actual Invoice Amt
- ISO Currency Code
- FC Job Amount [2851 / tdo170691]
Add Remark (Order Spec Note) to Trx Search and Schedule Book Bar & Hover Text
Text added to the W/O Spec Notes field can now be made available to users in two places: In the Transaction List document results, adding a column for the W/O Spec Note field displays an icon which indicates whether or not there is any text available; clicking the icon displays a popup control with the relevant notes. In the Schedule Book, adding theW/O Spec Note fieldto Bar Text and/or Hover Text makes the text available in the appropriate display area. [3140 / tdo169724]
Open Work Order Transactions Maint instead of Order Maint
In order to provide more streamlined access to transaction-level information, the Web client now allows a user to choose between opening a Work Order document layout or a Work Order Transaction documentlayout when opening a Work Order from query or list views, such as the Job Management > Work Orders option on the navigator, or the Work Orders list inside the Job Maintenance Application.
Note: Once the order is open in a particular document (i.e. either a Work Order or Work Order Maintenance document layout), the user can only switch between layouts for the current document. It is necessary to close the document and re-open it in order to receive the option to switch between layouts for multiple documents.
This feature is similar to, but separate from, the ability to apply a specific Purpose to a Work Order Transaction layout, which displays the selected layout when opening a Work Order from the Schedule Book application. [4528]
Order Actual: Phase Update Changes
Phase updates caused by actualizing transactions within an order have been updated so that if some transactions are actualized and not others, the order's phase won't update. Phase update should only occur when all transactions are actualized. [17092]
Order Trx Search - Allow Rapid Update of Orders
A user may now utilize rapid update of Order values from the transaction searches. There are limitations, as this is not the primary document for the transaction search, but many header level values are available. [17086]
Media Ordering
Allow Check-In for Any Task Type
A new ‘Check In Target on Complete’ option has been added to Task setup. When a Task with this active is on an Operation, it will:
- Create a Target
- Create a Media Asset for the Target.
- The Asset Disposition will initially be not ‘Not Made’ and ‘Being Made’ respectively so that updates can be synchronized (existing functionality).
- When the Operation is completed, the target status will be “made” and the Media Asset will be checked in.
Prerequisites and Assumptions: The MetaVault Library and Media Order or Transmission modules must be licensed for this feature. [6630 / tdo160674]
Allow Order Title No Description Reference Service Search
The Order Title No and Order Title have been made available in the Service Row Search.
Prerequisites and Assumptions: The Media Order module must be licensed and configured. [6634 / tdo168300]
Atempo Digital Archive - Digital Order Adapter
A Platform Media Order Adapter has been developed for integration with Atempo Miria (AM), allowing for the automatic creation and monitoring of restore jobs through Platform Media Order (MO) Operations (Platform Tasks). [6962 / tdo128495]
Auto Apply Media Order Service Template based on Order Type and Phase Update
Media Orders have been updated to automatically apply a designated Media Service Template onto the Media Order when the Order is updated to a designated Phase. The Media Service Template to apply is based on the Order Type of the Media Order. [6800 / tdo151162]
Complete Multiple Operations with User Input with Validation
The ‘Complete Operations’ Action in the Operations List has been updated to allow for updating multiple User Input Operations at a time. This works similarly to Rapid Update.
Prerequisites and Assumptions:
- The Media Order or Transmission module must be licensed and configured.
- NOTE: Existing functionality cannot identify which fields are required for entry other than in the display of the layout that opens.
- User Input completion will always open a window for the user to enter value(s), whether they already exist or not.
- This specification does not add any functionality outside of what already exists for required fields. [6950 / tdo157332]
Copy Asset Task Type
A new ‘Asset Copy’ Task Type has been created. Using it, an Operation in a Media or Transmission Order can make a direct copy of the Asset(s) on the input source(s). If needed, Service Row values can be set to override values on the new Asset.
Prerequisites and Assumptions: The MetaVault Library and Media or Transmission Order must be licensed and configured. [6635 / tdo169070]
Date and User Changed Added to Service Row and Source
Date Added, User Added, Date Changed and User Changed have been added to Service Rows and sources in Media and Transmission Orders. Prerequisites and Assumptions: The Media Order and/or Transmission module(s) must be licensed and configured. [6629 / tdo167406]
External Key Fields in Service Setup for Service, Profile, Spec
External Key has been exposed for Service, Profile and Profile Specs in the Services setup documents for Media Order and Transmission. These have also been made available for Document Customization overrides on Service Rows.
Prerequisites and Assumptions: The Media Order or Transmission modules must be licensed and configured.
Configuration for Media Order document (Doc ID 10819)
In Service Rows Table, override Standard Field Spec with External Key
In Sources Table, Add a new Text custom field, set Default From Source to 'Service Rows', Default From Member gets 'Spec:External Key'
[6636 / tdo169076]
Media Asset: Service Row/Operation Block (Target Assets)
A ‘Target Service/Operation’ block is now available in the Media Asset maintenance layout. If the Asset was created by a target source in a Media or Transmission Order, this block can display data from its Operation and Service Row. Data is read-only. No changes have been made to the Media Assets search, MetaVault Search or any other document/report.
Prerequisites and Assumptions: The Media Order and MetaVault Library modules must be licensed for this feature. [6631 / tdo161627]
Media Order Report: Services by Target Sources
The Media Order Service Search document has been updated to allow reporting of Service Rows by Target Sources. A Target Sources table has been made available. This child table works like the existing Sources table to show targets created by Service Rows. This feature is for reports only, not screens or exports. A hidden parameter allows for a layout to be set up to show detail rows by target source. This means that a Service Row that creates multiple targets would print on multiple rows.
A second parameter behaves similar to the above but also includes any Service Rows that didn’t produce any targets.
A standard ‘Service by Target’ report layout has been provided with the hidden parameter set to ‘All Services’.
Prerequisites and Assumptions: The Media Order module must be licensed and configured. Add ‘Show Targets’ to the Media Order Service and Target Report Layout (site custom) and choose one of the options. [6639 / tdo165784]
MO Service Row: Make Fields Mandatory if Service is Cancelled
A ‘Cancel Reason’ and ‘Cancel Note’ have been added for Service Rows. Like the Void/Cancel Reason for Orders, these become required when a Service Row is set to a Cancel Status.
For sites who do not wish to use them, Cancel Reasons are only required if the list is set up.
Prerequisites and Assumptions: ---The Media Order module must be licensed for this feature. [6643 / tdo156884]
Search and Add Assets
The 'Search and Add Assets' functionality within Media Order has been expanded with the following capabilities:
The feature will create the asset if not found. Before, when the search was conducted and didn't find a matching asset, the process stopped without creating a source. Now, if an asset is not found a new one will be created defaulting asset values from the Service Row. [420 / tdo 170665]
A Task Type can be set up so that if the process doesn't find an existing Asset to match the required criteria, a new asset will be created and added as a source. [12512 / tdo11741]
The function is now available in Media Orders search list so it can be executed for multiple Orders at once.[6627 / tdo165198]
The function can now be called via API for a single Order using the save argument, ‘AutoServiceSearchAddLinkSources’.
REST Sample:
API Curl call - needs to be adjusted for the endpoint and data you are testing against
curl --location --request PATCH 'http://localhost:9088/api/v2/database/MP_DAY_12v/MoMediaOrder/wo_no_seq=134401-1' \
--header 'SaveArgument: {"AutoServiceSearchAddLinkSources":""}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json-patch+json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic eHl0ZWNoOnh5dGVjaHB3' \
--data-raw ''
NOTE: The same feedback as seen in the UI is not available via API.
Prerequisites and Assumptions:
- The Media Order module must be licensed and configured.
- Existing functionality from TDO 150620 must be operational.
Asset Selection Phase 2: Remove Inactive Assets
As an addition to the Search and Add Assets functionality created in TDO 150620, the process will now first exclude any inactive Assets from sources and services before running. [6644 / tdo155693]
Sources Search to Include Service Row and Operation Values
Sources searches have been made available for Media Orders and Work Orders. These source lists are based primarily on sources in the order -- for Media Orders, both input sources and target sources, for Work Orders the Assets list from order maintenance. Criteria can be by source and order data for both with the addition of Service Row and Operation data for Media Orders. Layouts can be created to include the same data in the list or on a report. Service Row and Operation values display only for target sources from the Service Row that created them. This list does NOT show the relationship between input sources and the Service Rows they're linked to. At this time, there is also a Transmission Sources search but it would only display data if Media Asset/Title sources were added to the order, which is not a primary workflow. [7575]
Work Order Picking List / MO Source List - Date/User Added/Changed Criteria
Date/User Added/Changed criteria is now available in the Work Order Picking List (MoSourceList). [6647 / tdo170063]
MetaVault Library
Allow Frame Rate Setting in Decimal
Frame Rate settings in Library Preferences and Standards can now be set to a decimal number. Calculation of time code in Media Asset Segments and Issue Management Issues have been adjusted accordingly.
Prerequisites and Assumptions: The MetaVault Library module must be licensed and configured. Issue Management must be licensed to use Issue Management. [6951 / tdo162749]
Ability to Filter Asset Format Based on Media Type
Asset Format will now filter by Media Type if one has been assigned to it. This applies in Media Assets, Media Orders and Transmission Orders. Filtering does not apply to criteria in search lists and reports.[6628 / tdo157837]
Show All Containers for Digital Assets
A new ‘In Container’ block has been addedto Media Asset maintenance.This is providedso a layout can be created thatincludes data for containers the Asset is in. For a physical Asset, this block would only ever display one container asset. For a File Asset, this new block can be a grid that displays all the file containers thatinclude the Asset. An ‘In Container’ field has been added to the results for Media Asset search andMetaVaultSearch to indicate ifan Asset is in a container. For physical assets, this may be redundant since the single Container Asset Number and Barcode could be displayed, but for File Assets this lets the user know that theasset is in at least one container.[6640 / tdo162113]
Show Asset Set Information as Grid on Asset Page
Sites may now add a Media Asset Set block or tab in a Media Asset maintenance layout. This block is fully functional and contains the same functionality as the window opened via the ‘Media Asset Set’ action menu item. The Media Asset Set action remains for sites that do not add the new block to a layout. [6641 / tdo162116]
Target/Asset File Name Update
A new module preference ‘Target Filename Expression’ allows site to enter one filename expression to use on Media Order Tasks and Operations. Instead of needing to enter an expression on each Task and/or Operation, this allows Tasks and Operations to read the module expression instead by entering a {MOPREF] token in the Target Name field.
Note: Nothing in this feature will rename an actual file’s name. [15594 / tdo157659]
Title to Title many-to-many association
A new method for linking titles has been introduced, separate from the existing parent/child hierarchy. The new Title Links allow for one or more titles to be linked under one Link ID. The Link ID has a description and a type as well as the capability to add additional identifying values via Document Customizations. In addition to linking two or more titles together, a Link ID may also be created with no or one titles, the assumption being that more titles will be added at a later time. New title links can be created directly in a new block of Title maintenance or via the new Title Links search. Specific search criteria has also been added to the Titles search and MetaVault Search. [3404]
Personnel Rules
Counter Rules: Allow Order Transactions for TOIL
‘Applies to Type’ now includes Order Transactions for Day Off Turnaround and Short Turnaround Penalties in Scheduling Counters. [6652 / tdo165152]
Counter Rules: Applies to Other Time Off
In Scheduling Counter Rules setup, the Applies to Type field has been expanded to allow Other Time Offs. The Time Off Types list has been modified to filter by whatever’s selected in Applies to Type. [6683 / tdo158653]
Default Scheduling Counter Rule Based on Resource Type
A ‘Default Scheduling Rule’ has been added to Resource Types. When the Type is assigned to a Resource, this new Rule will default unless the Resource has already been assigned a Scheduling Counter Rule. [6685 / tdo168320]
Earned Entitlement Remediation - Remaining to Next Entitlement & Entitlement Note
The Schedule Book's Entitlement section to clarify the scenario where an employee's Entitlement has Minimum Hours Set and they have not earned enough hours to receive the Entitlement. [6653 / tdo155933]
Entitlement Types: Always Apply Option
Entitlement Types may now be set up to always apply. This causes scheduled time to apply to these Entitlements as well as any others for the same time period and Off Types. [6651 / tdo165229]
Entitlements: Expand Accumulate Entitlements to Add to Existing
The ‘Accumulate Entitlement’ value within Scheduling Counters has been changed from a checkbox to a single-select drop-down list. This allows for the two existing options and a new one that would add to an existing Entitlement, if it existed. This new option will work like the existing checked (Y) option but instead of creating a new Entitlement each time the penalty is triggered, it will instead add its values to an existing Entitlement if it exists. A new ‘No Overlap’ option has also been added to Entitlement Type setup to prevent users from manually creating overlapping Entitlements of the same Type. [14652 / tdo166541]
Scheduling Counters Payroll Rule - Minimum Rest Penalty Type
A new Minimum Rest Penalty Type option will be made available inside the configuration of Penalty Types within Scheduling Counter Rules. When a resource is associated to a Scheduling Counter Rule containing this penalty type, the system will apply an automatic adjustment when a Roster On transaction is added to a schedule, or moved within a schedule, and is within a configured number of hours of another Roster On transaction.If a Roster On transaction is moved outside of the threshold, the adjustment will be removed.
This functionality only applies to Roster On and Roster Time Off entries, it does not consider other resource-based transactions (such as booking a Work Order or Quick Hold without having a corresponding Roster On). Each resource expected to trigger this penalty type must have an appropriate Counter Rule assigned, with the appropriate Penalty Type configured. Each resource must have a value of hours configured in the Perm Hours per day setting as defined in the Resource document.
- In System > Layout > TcPenaltyType (Doc 10113) > Prompts > Field ‘Custom Named Values’, add a value for MINREST=Minimum Hours between Shifts.
- In Scheduling > Setup > Payroll Rule Types, add a new row and select ‘Minimum Hours between Shifts’ as the Rule Type Code.
- Add a new rule, or update an existing rule, and add the penalty type ‘Minimum Hours between Shifts’ to it.
- Assign the payroll rule to one or more resources.
- Verify all resources to which the ’Minimum Hours between Shifts’ penalty type applies also have a valid value (greater than 0) in the ‘Perm Hours per day’ setting. [7507 / tdo172496]
Scheduling Counters/Payroll Rules - Holiday on Working Day – Use Resource ‘Perm Hours per Day’
A new ‘Holiday on Work Day’ Penalty Type has been added. This functions like the Holiday Penalty Type, but only triggers on a work day. [6686 / tdo163392]
Parent Scheduling Groups, Phase 2
Transmission and Media Order operations, services, and templates can now be configured using a Parent Group instead of a specific Scheduling Group, to allow the user to select a specific Scheduling Group (e.g. a satellite transponder) when the operation, service, or template is booked in an order. In addition, the Schedule Book now supports including a Parent Group on the Items selection list; including the Parent Group adds a row for each child Scheduling Group in the Parent Group to the Schedule Book display. [8803]
Auto Generate Resource Code
A change has been made to Scheduling Resource creation: When a new Resource is created, the Resource Code will default to 'Next'. If left unchanged, the Resource will automatically beissued the next available Resource Code numeric id upon Save. Automatically assigned Resource Codes may be overwritten if desired.
This will also apply within the Create Records from Spreadsheet utility and API as well. [6785 / tdo162387]
Resource Required task setting for Profiles and Conflict Resolution
The Resource Required setting can now be configured at the Task level inside a Profile for a Transmission Service, as an enhancement to the setting at the Scheduling Group level. The setting at the Scheduling Group level is the minimum for resources in the Group, and the setting at the Task level can be set to a higher requirement. For example, if the Scheduling Group setting is No, the Task setting can be Warn, Prompt, or Yes. If the Scheduling Group setting is Prompt or Yes, the Task level must also be Prompt or Yes.[3040]
Scheduled Report - Add Resources Action
A new 'Add Resources as recipient list' action is now available when sending reports related to one or more resources. This action includes the associated resource(s) in the recipient list, allowing the user to customize the list by removing one or more recipients as needed. Prerequisites and Assumptions: Resources must have an email address configured (either directly or through the associated Contact), and this Action is only available when using the Send option. [12689]
User Select - Pop-ups for Resource Required
In Scheduling Group setup, the Resource Required option now offers anew ‘Prompt’ option, which allows the system to prompt the user that a resource needs to be assigned to a transaction, without forcing them to assign the resource at that time. When the Scheduling Group is added to an Order, or when the Order is opened and contains the Group assignment with no Resource, the Group Resources List is displayed to encourage the user to immediately select a resource. If an Order contains more than one transaction with a Scheduling Group set to Prompt, the system will display one Group Resources List for each prompt. To assist the user in selecting the correct resource, the header of the Group Resources List displays the name of the Scheduling Group generating the prompt. If the ‘Not Assigned’ resource is applied to the transaction, the prompt is still displayed until a ‘real’ resource is assigned. This prompt is not displayed when the ‘Resource Optional’ setting is enabled in the Phase setup, allowing certain phases at early development stages to contain placeholders without disrupting the user. This option is like the existing Warn option but displays the Group Resources List earlier in the booking/editing process, rather than waiting until the user attempts to save the order. [17274 / tdo 166451]
Holiday Generic Custom Fields
Generic text fields Custom 1, Custom 2 and External Key are now exposed to the SchHoliday (Doc ID 11308) Layout.
Change the following Factory Prompts: -’Custom 1’ to ‘CB1’ -’Custom 2’ to ‘CB2’ [6649 / tdo168361]
Limit Future Bookings
In the Schedule Book, the visual indicator for a limitation on booking into the future is now also displayed on the date selection calendar used to navigate to a different date or time, and on the calendars in the Duplicate screen used to copy scheduled items. [16344]
Schedule View - Remove Show Every Time
A 'Show Every Time' option existed for Scheduling Views in the Smart Client. It no longer applies in the web client so has been removed. [4506]
Security - Encrypt selected data and passwords at rest
Extends all password designated fields to at least 60 characters and encrypts them. Encryption is done at the time the password is entered. Encrypts Web Hook passwords until time of actually export triggering.
Note: Existing passwords will not be automatically encrypted until they are changed. [12451]
SAML: Add Support for IDP Assertion Encryption
TDO 162989 (Enable SAML for Authentication) added support for SAML authentication in Platform Sky. Support has been added for IDP Assertion Encryption for SAML Authentication. [6626 / tdo165213]
Action to Obfuscate Linked Contact and Resource Data
To support GDPR, any personal identifiable information in the database needs to be available to be obfuscated.
An option has been added to theContact and ResourceListand Maintenance Documentscalled, ‘Obfuscate{Document}’. When this is selected, a popup window opens allowing the user to select what fields to obfuscate.
Attachmentsand logs are removed from the obfuscated document(s). If the User is selected, theirUser ID is obfuscated in all Logs as well.
Once this is run, it cannot be undone. [6908 / tdo156458]
Control Filename of Event Trigger Email Attachment
The ability to configure the filename of a report attachment for an Event Trigger has been added to the setup. [6633 / tdo168380]
Don't Send Scheduled Report if Empty
A new ‘Don’t Send if Empty’ option has been made available on the Scheduled Report header. When selected, the report will not be sent via email or alerts if there are no results. [6632 / tdo168346]
Bandwidth Plans - Document Customization Import Plans
It is now possible to import Document Customization values for Resources when using the new Bandwidth Import utility. [8930]
Dynamic Slots - Part 2
Additional capabilities have been introduced to enhance dynamic resource and group bandwidth functionality: Changes have been made for drag-and-drop so that bookings snap to reference lines and the edges of existing bookings. This helps the user when creating or moving a dynamic resource booking. Within any Bandwidth Group, one Bandwidth Plan may be selected to change the defaultreference lines and center frequency offset reference numbers. If a resource isn't dynamic, a transaction's offset values will populate from values on the resource rather than looking for the calculated values it would have if it were dynamic. Order transactions may now be created for dynamic resources outside of the Schedule Book, namely from within Transaction maintenance or from within Transmission Order maintenance. Offset, frequency and bandwidth values are available for order form documents. Dynamic slot optimization is available for Quick Holds. Uplink and downlink polarization fields are now editable in a Resource. If a Resource has been identified as dynamic, certain changes, namely making it non-dynamic, are prevented to avoid creation of bad data. Similar restrictions have been applied to Groups if 'Use Bandwidth' is set. [9943]
Taker Billing - Transmission Feed Broadcast Partner Functionality
‘Taker Billing’ allows for individual Order transactions to be set up for billing to different customers. This is most notably useful within a Transmission Order, where a feed scheduled for one resource should be billed to multiple partners. One or more ‘takers’ can be assigned to a transaction in an open Order. Each taker is assigned a bill to customer. A new action from the order or from transaction allows the user to send notification emails to one or more takers. Another action can be used when it's time to bill, which will create a separate billing order for each taker with appropriate rates based on how the taker is set up in the original order. [4179]
Add Attachment Link to Transmission Service Search
An ‘Order Attachments’ column is available for results of the Transmission Service Search. It counts and allows access to Attachments for the Service Row’s Order. Prerequisites and Assumptions: The Transmission module must be licensed and configured. Document Customizations Requirements: Add a document customization for document ID 2505 and table ‘Services’. On the ‘Document Tables’ tab enable attachment counts by ticking ‘Show Attachment Count’. [6688 / tdo164695]
Change Request Trigger on Transmission Operations
Change Request column expressions now support evaluating values from the immediate parent table and the main table. This means an expression can be used to reference a value from its immediate parent or the main table. The syntax used is [{TABLENAME}].[{COLUMNNAME}]. Where the values in the curly braces are replaced by the table and column name. [6682 / tdo154772]
Add ‘Air Start’ as Option in Base Unit Formulas
Unit Type Formulas now allows tokens for the ‘Air Start’ field on the Order header. Using this tag, the Billing Unit of a transaction could be set by using the value in a calculation to set the value.[6687 / tdo164692]
Date and User Changed Added to Service Row and Source
Date Added, User Added, Date Changed and User Changed have been added to Service Rows and sources in Media and Transmission Orders.[6629 / tdo167406]
Visualizer Updates
In the Visualizer prior to version 11, the following updates have been made:
When a new operation is added after an operation that already has dependencies, it will be positioned vertically underneath the operation it is dependent on.
Given real estate and other nodes, this may cause a shuffling of nodes.
Adding an operation will no longer try to insert it into another dependency sequence.
The new operation will only be dependent on the node that was highlighted when it was added. [18652]
Resolved Issues
APIs & Integration
MO Order Creation Timing Out
Resolves an issue where an API call was run that was intended to create a Media Order, however, the call timed out after ten minutes. [18116 / zd4828]
Restarting the Application Service clears the Template fields selected on the Event Trigger
Resolves an issue where restarting the Application Server cleared the Template fields selected on an Event Trigger. [18149 / zd4841]
Cannot Upsert to SysAttachment
Resolves an issue that prevented SOAP API calls from performing an 'upsert' to the class: SysAttachment. [18151 / zd4836]
System - System Error When Searching for a ContactID after Adding a Second Item in W/O Type Classes to the User
Resolves an issue resulting in a Contact ID search error that would occur when the logged in user profile was configured with more than one W/O Type Class, Phase Class or Off Type Class. [18843 / zd5383]
API Calls Using Local Authentication - Password Doesn't Get Verified
Resolves an issue whereonly the username was verified (not the password) when connecting via an API call when local (database) authentication was used to connect to the Platform. [19191 / zd5631]
REST API - POST method on SysAttachment failing when using proxy URL
The ability to POST to REST API endpoint /SysAttachment while using the proxy base URL has been fixed. [19287 / zd3654]
GET Call SchResourceLocation Error Cannot Find Column resource_location_no If No Aisle on Record
Fixed an issue where a REST API call to GET to SchResourceLocation was responding with an error. [20027 / zd6802]
Unit Type error when running POST call for a W/O Actual Billing Code.
Resolves an issue with setting Unit Type via a POST call for a W/O Actual Billing Code [20033 / zd6752]
Title Links Query Ignores Active Field
Resolves an API issue that occurred when running a GET call. In this case, the query was set to only return active values. The issue was that the call returned inactive [20243 / zd6886]
Extreme slowness when adding LibTitleHierarchy via SOAP API
Resolves an issue where an Update API call to add 'Title Hierarchy' would not add the child title to the header hierarchy. The call status would show ‘OK,’ but the result body contained the string: <a:DocChanged>false</a:DocChanged. [14653 / zd1718]
API GET /SysUserList unable to query on date_changed or date_added
Resolved an issue with the REST API that prevented being able to query the SysUserList endpoint filtered by date_changed or date_added. [14790 / zd2304]
Filename Expression on Task Doesn't Apply (API)
Resolves an issue where the filename expression on a Task was not being calculated via the API [15162 / zd2849]
REST API: Document Leased to Different User for Editing
Resolves an issue that occurred after a user ran several PATCH API calls, and after a period of time, the system would return a message indicating that the ‘Document was leased to different user for editing’. [16720 / zd4120]
Bandwidth Planning
Dynamic booking: when having multiple conflicts on duplicates, conflict window only opens for the first conflict
Resolves a Schedule Book issue where during the duplication of a dynamic booking encountering multiple conflicts, the conflict window only showed the first date conflict and not the others. [19266 / zd5979]
Bids and Budgets
Rate Set Description Not Loading with Bid Template
Resolves an issue where when editing a Bid Template detail, if a rate is manually edited on the detail row, the Rate Set Description is cleared. This matches the same functionality seen in the Bid.
An update script exists to correct existing Template detail data. [12393 / zd1394]
Bid Comparison Report - Actuals Rows Not Printing Billing Description
Bid Comparison Report - No longer able to reference/display custom Billing Descriptions for Actuals outside of Bid Details. [15614 / zd3084]
Cannot Load Actuals on Bid - ‘One or more errors occurred’
Resolves an issue where Load Actuals resulted in errors on some Bids. [16134 / zd3462]
Billing - Invoicing
DBNull error when changing Billing code on Transaction
Resolves an issue causing a DBNull error message when changing the Billing Code on an Order Transaction. [13885 / zd2148]
Actualize transaction(s) layout has an un-removeable Actual Unit field.
Resolves an issue where the Actual Unit field was not able to be removed from the Actualize Transactions(s) window when J/M Preferences were set to Rapid Actualize. The field now appears on the standard Rapid Actualize layout and can be removed from Site Custom layouts. [14427 / zd2239]
Integration Appending a Value = 1 to Invoice Number Send to QuickBooks
Resolves an issue with the Invoice Export to QuickBooks where the system was appending a value of 1 to the Invoice Number (for example: Invoice #1234 would be #12341). [14804 / zd2565]
Costs not populating correctly from RAD
Resolves an issue where costs were not populating correctly from a RAD type billing code. [18469 / zd5002]
The Name field for some contact profiles does not consistently display on multiple layouts
Resolves an issue where the Name field for Contacts did not consistently display on multiple layouts whereas contact ID does. Example Parent Company. [14575 / zd2384]
Document Customizations
Item Code - changing into the custom field is not visible in Web
Resolves an issue where a custom editable dropdown was not available. [18525 / zd5234]
Event Triggers
Sent time in transaction for Exchange Invites Incorrect
Resolves an issue where the 'sent' time on Exchange Invites was showing the time for UTC instead of local time. [6374 / zd455]
Tag for Time Zone in Event Trigger subject and body does not display correctly in message
Resolves an issue whereTime Zone tags in Event Trigger Notification Template > Email Subject and Email Body were not displaying as configured in emails generated by the trigger. [16718 / zd4074]
Restarting the Application Service clears the Template fields selected on the Event Trigger
Resolves an issue where restarting the Application Server cleared the Template fields selected on an Event Trigger. [18149 / zd4841]
Transmission Service Event Trigger does not trigger
Resolves an issue where Event Triggers were not executing against Transmission Services. [20396 / zd6994]
Framework - UX
Not All Order Types Showing with 'View other divisions?' Enabled
Resolves an issue where not all Order Types were showing when the ‘View other divisions?’ option was enabled. [13556 / zd1943]
All Dropdown Fields Don't Persist when Typing Partial Value and Tabbing Out
Resolves an issue where typing and then tabbing out of a dropdown field was not retaining the selected value. [15009 / zd2668]
Session Memory Leak
Resolves an issue with a memory leak brought on bySKY_BROADCAST_BOOKING_CHANGES=Y when terminated sessions exist. [16048 / zd3491]
Smart Lookups Search Description When Searched by Code (id) and Partial ID Matches Exist
Resolves an issue inSmart Lookups where the criteria would jump to Description when partialID matches existed. [16774 / zd4170]
Cannot Set Column 'qkey' Error When Creating a Dashboard with Long Search Query
Resolves an issue where utilizing multiple query values in a search and then creating a Saved Filter would result in an error, Cannot set column 'qkey'; the ‘value violates the MaxLength limit of this column message was returned. [20427 / zd6688]
'Download/Open' Not Available When Viewing Reports on Apple Mobile Devices
Resolves an issue where'Download/Open' was not available when viewing reports on Apple mobile devices. [18727 / zd3708]
Import Utilities
Create Record Via Spreadsheet - Cannot Set User Added - Changes to Actual Logged In User
Resolves an issue where trying to import Titles via Create Record From Spreadsheet utility, the User Added was set to the logged in user (not by user on spreadsheet) [5219 / zd440]
Import Records from Spreadsheet Utility - Vendor Import Template Error
Resolves an issue with creating Vendors using the Import Records from Spreadsheet utility. [15919 / zd3032]
Cannot Create PO from a Dup Spawned Order
Resolves an issue where an error was returned after a user attempted to ‘Auto Create PO’ from a Spawned Media Order. [17657 / zd4827]
Issue Management
Session Status Doesn't Default
Resolves an issue where Session Status did not automatically default when added to a Media Order. [17170 / zd4597]
Duplicating Orders Duplicates onto Different Days
Resolves an issue where some duplicated orders are copied to the incorrect days. [19105 / zd4587]
Adding Scheduling Resources IM Sessions Locks Session Fields
Resolves an issue where IM Session Categories marked as ‘Locked’ were immediately locked when added to a Resource before the user had a chance to enter the Session information. [11846 / zd754]
Job Save throws error when first created and added IM Session
Resolves an issue where when adding a Session row to the Job > QC tab caused an error. [12587 / zd1147]
Incorrect session_no returned upon creation of ImSession
Resolves an issue where the response ID returned when creating an ImSession was incorrect. Existing integrations may need to be adapted. [15774 / zd3044]
Job Save throws error when first created and an IM session is added
Resolves an issue where adding a Session row to the Job > QC tab caused an error. [12587 / zd1147]
Image Update to Job Not Saving
Resolves an issue where users could not add an image to Jobs. [12958 / zd1574]
Cannot Change Customers on Jobs
Resolves an issue that prevented changing the Customer on a Job. [15372 / zd2910]
Library Movements
Movements Out and Move Do Not Refresh As Expected
Resolves an issue where new 'Out' and 'Move' type movements did not refresh the Library Movements results. [16190 / zd3669]
Containers - Asset doesn't get set to Container Location
Resolves an issue where setting the Location on a Container via a Movement did not update the Container Location. [19684 / zd6469]
Long Term Planning
Utilization Summary Results Are Not Matching Capacity and Demand Results
Resolved an issue where the Utilization Summary results were not matching Capacity and Demand Results. [7823 / zd481]
Utilization Summary: Result Does Not Show the Year/Month Label on Column 1
Resolves an issue where the results of filter's criteria Summarized by Month, did not show the title of ‘Column 1’ – it was supposed to be Year/Month. [8032 / zd508]
Long-Term Planning - Demand
Resolves an issue where Demand was not producing results when the queried Begin Date Month was a greater number than the End Date of a future year. [11097 / zd640]
OptaPlanner - Planned Results Assigned Resource from a Different Group
Resolved an issue where the Opta Planner constraint engine’s planned results assigned a resource from a different Group [12605 / zd624]
Media Assets
Cannot Create Asset via API
Resolves an internal error that would occur when attempting to create a Media Asset using the API. [17084 / zd4514]
Barcode is Not Editable in Grid Update in Media Asset Search
Resolves an issue where the Barcode field was not editable via Grid Update in Media Assets search. [17511 / zd4747]
Assets ended up in Wrong Vault
Resolves an issue where, in certain circumstances, Media Assets not referenced on a particular Movement would also have their location/shelf changed. [18224 / zd4555] [18224 / zd4555]
Containers - Asset doesn't get set to Container Location
Resolves an issue where setting the Location on a Container via a Movement did not update the Container Location. [19684 / zd6469]
Media Order
Media Order Form Only Prints First Order to Excel
Resolves an issue where the Media Order Form only included the first Order on export to Excel. [3960 / zd422]
Filename Not Updating Correctly Based on Custom Target Name in Task
After a Service Row Rule is applied, the logic to update the filename will be triggered so that any changes from the rule can be applied via the filename expression. [15733 / zd3236]
Error received when using the Rapid Update Media Order Transactions from the Operation List
Resolves an error that would occur when rapid updating Media Order Transactions from the Operation List. [16177 / zd3529]
Unable to Dup Spawn without Super User
Resolves an issue where non-super users were not able to use Launch Row-To-Row Order on Media Order. [16632 / zd4010]
Path value for the Source Target is stripping Special Characters used for a File Path
Resolves an issue where special characters were being removed whenupdating a File Path on the Operation level of a Media Order. [16734 / zd4091]
MO Service Search Not Functioning Correctly
Resolves an issue where the Media Order Service search would fail to return Service Rows not linked to a source with custom fields set. [17058 / zd4502]
PRISM Interface Processing Slow (MoMediaOrderList should limit by result columns)
Resolves an issue where the PRISM was processing very slowly due to a MoMediaOrderList query taking a long time and not limiting result columns. [17125 / zd4530]
Event Trigger Notification Pulling Incorrect Data
Resolves an issue where Event Trigger Notifications were not pulling data from Media Order Service Row in the Body of Emails because the Notification Template used the tag WO instead of mo_service_row. [17171 / zd4596]
Package/No Transaction Checkbox Unavailable
Resolves an issue on a Media Order where the ‘Pkg/No Trx’ checkbox was greyed-out. [17491 / zd4504]
System Error in MO Service Search (Unified) layout
Resolves an issue where certain layouts for the Media Order Service Search would result in a system timeout error. [17524 / zd4765]
Unable duplicate Media Order with Vendor ID set to reset before copy
Resolves an error that would occur when setting the Document Customizations 'Reset before copy' value to ‘Y’ against Vendor ID on the Media Order document, and then attempting to duplicate a Media Order with Purchasing. This would prevent the duplication. [17550 / zd4613]
Incorrect Rate Being Loaded from a Different Rate Card
Resolves an issue when the Standard Rate card had RADs associated and the Order matched the Rate attributes, the Order Rate card was ignored, and the rate was pulled from the standard rate card where the RAD was. The user could set a RAD on the Order Rate Card and the system would find the correct rate using the Order Rate card. [17634 / zd4781] [17634 / zd4781]
Cannot Create PO from a Dup Spawned Order
Resolves an issue where an error was returned after a user attempted to ‘Auto Create PO’ from a Spawned Media Order. [17657 / zd4827]
Transaction Unit Not Set Correctly
When calculating the Billing Qty and Billing Unit of a transaction from a Service Row, the Service Profile or Profile Spec's 'Qty/Unit' value decides which values from the Service Row will set those values. If the Qty/Unit option does not include 'Service Unit', the Service Row's Billing Unit will not be part of the calculation of the transaction's Billing Unit. The only exception may be if the Service Unit is part of the Service's formula. [18198 / zd4756]
Costs not populating correctly from RAD
Resolves an issue where costs were not populating correctly from a RAD type billing code. [18469 / zd5002]
Service Status Types
Resolves an issue where a Service Status with Type 'Hold' were restricted from inactivation. The business rule has been removed allowing these statuses to be marked as inactive. [18604 / zd5045]
Filename Not Calculating Correctly When Linking Two Sources
Resolves an issue in Media Orders that occurred when linking two sources to a Service row. In this instance, the original filename field value was incorrectly calculated. [19274 / zd5500] [19274 / zd5500]
Invalid Length Value error message
Resolves an issue where using the drag function on Source and Title Length fields on Media Order Source rows was producing an error and did not allow the data to be filled. [20374 / zd6976]
Source Length displays incorrect format in database
Resolves an issue where in certain circumstances, the Source Length field was not recording the proper value in the database. [20478 / zd7228]
Purchase Order
PO Receiving Tax Amount Total Rounding
Resolves an issue where posting an Invoice Reconciliation generated a ‘tax charge can't be offset by the non-taxable detail item(s).’ message. [11974 / zd614]
Purchase Order Approval Levels on User with Exception
Resolves an issue where approval levels for a user with exceptions on certain vendors would allow approving all amounts on all vendors. [13615 / zd1766]
POs taking too long to export to SAP
Resolves an issue where Purchase Orders were taking too long to export to SAP. [17169 / zd4580]
Cannot Create PO from a Dup Spawned Order
Resolves an issue where an error was returned after a user attempted to ‘Auto Create PO’ from a Spawned Media Order. [17657 / zd4827]
Item Code - changing into the custom field is not visible in Web
Resolves an issue where a custom editable dropdown was not available. [18525 / zd5234]
Layout - Resource Code Field is Populating Resource Description
Resource Code field is bringing Resource Description. [2465 / zd718]
‘Action's- Add New Resources’, is adding the same resource multiple times and fails to show Conflicts
Resolves an issue where the Action's- Add New Resources, was Adding the same resource multiple times.
Also resolves an issue where the Conflicts Message Pop Up when adding the same Resource by Action's Menu> Add Resource failed to show. [5878 / zd323]
Resource Code Change Utility Does Not Work When Resource has Contact
Resolves an issue that prevented the Resource Code Change Utility from working when the Resource was related to a Contact. [15730 / zd3197]
Transaction resource selection not filtered by Resource Compatibility
Resolves an issue where transaction resource selection was not being filtered by Resource Compatibility. [16079 / zd3453]
Roster - Time Off
Off Type Capacity Not Calculated Correctly for Rosters
Resolves an issue where Capacity Planning was not calculating correctly for Resources. [7547 / tdo172701]
Roster Time Off Search Only Supports One Resource Code Criteria Value
Resolves an issue where the Roster Time Off Search Only Supported one Resource Code criteria value. [12987 / zd1710]
Schedule Book
No Transaction Conflict when Setup is Set at Order Level with a Default Value
Resolves an issue where default Setup time was failing to generate a transaction level conflict. [12477 / zd1373]
Schedule Book - W/O Note Missing
Resolves an issue where the user was unable to add W/O Note to the Bar & Hover Text for Work Order Transactions. W/O Spec Note is available, but not the standard W/O Note. [14577 / zd2247]
User Scheduling Views Does Not Apply Schedule View to User
Resolves an issue where a Scheduling View that was saved as ‘Not Shared,’ yet was assigned to a specific user via User Scheduling Views, was still not viewable by the user on the Schedule Book. [15390 / zd2694]
Job Calendar Report showing invalid entries
Resolves an issue where the Job Calendar Report was showing incorrect entries in certain cases. [16327 / zd3770]
When Creating Other Time Off Over Work Order, the Booking Conflict Does Not Display
Resolves an issue where an Off Time conflict did not display as expected when a record was created on the Schedule Book. The order should have displayed the conflict color on the Booking bar upon order creation. [16794 / zd4102]
Group/Resource Hotlink doesn't show in Schedule Book Views when with the use of Workgroup security for a Group and its Resources
Resolves an issue where Resources and their associated Group with a Work Group assigned, were not visible on Schedule Book. [17136 / zd4552]
Display Scheduled Group Only Checkbox Disabled On All Resources
Resolves an issue in the Scheduling Resources search screen where the 'Display Scheduled Group Only' checkbox was greyed out. [18115 / zd4876] [18115 / zd4876]
Dynamic booking: when having multiple conflicts on duplicates, conflict window only opens for the first conflict
Resolves a Schedule Book issue where during the duplication of a dynamic booking encountering multiple conflicts, the conflict window only showed the first date conflict and not the others. [19266 / zd5979]
Schedule Book Error Using Client - Input string was not in a correct format
Resolves a system error that would occur when opening the Schedule Book in the smart client. [19347 / zd6108]
Unable to Modify or Shift Roster Events in Schedule Books
Resolves an issue where begin times on Roster bookings would adjust unexpectedly when end times were edited on the Schedule Book. [20086 / zd6270]
Scheduled Reports
Open / Preview Report Selects Incorrect Report Layout
Resolves an issue where the incorrect layout was opening from Actions > Open / Preview sub-menus when users wanted to switch between layouts without closing and re-opening the document. [16073 / zd3546]
Error Running Operations List (Document Class 2503) Reports
Resolves an issue where running Reports from the Operations List would result in a system error. [20676 / zd7103]
Group/Resource Hotlink don't show in Schedule Book Views when we use Workgroups security for the Group and its Resources
Resolves an issue where Resources and their associated Group with a Work Group assigned, were not visible on Schedule Book. [17136 / zd4552]
API Calls Using Local Authentication - Password Doesn't Get Verified
Resolves an issue where only the username was verified (not the password) when connecting via an API call when local (database) authentication was used to connect to the Platform. [19191 / zd5631]
Quick Holds not being displayed to users who have phase classes
Resolves an issue where users restricted by phase classes were unable to view Quick Holds. [20612 / zd6248]
Services & Utilities
Lost Connection to the Server Error
Resolves an issue that resulted in spurious lost connection server errors and reduces web client chattiness. It should be noted that frequent web connectivity issues may still result in a Lost connection to server error. [13625 / zd1248]
Resource Code Change Utility Does Not Work When Resource has Contact
Resolves an issue that prevented the Resource Code Change Utility from working when the Resource was related to a Contact. [15730 / zd3197]
PRISM Interface Processing Slow (MoMediaOrderList should limit by result columns)
Resolves an issue where the PRISM was processing very slowly due to a MoMediaOrderList query taking a long time and not limiting result columns. [17125 / zd4530]
Time Card
Payroll Rate field missing on Payroll transaction document 109
Resolves an issue where the Payroll Rate field was not available to add to Payroll Transaction Report layout, or the corresponding search layout. [15430 / zd3017]
Hours Not Calculated in Mobile Time Card Batch
Resolves an issue where the Hours field did not calculate in Mobile Time Card when a time range was entered on an Activity row. [18445 / zd4965]
Cannot select activity day in mobile time card batch
Resolves an issue where Mobile Time Card users could not select day to add an activity to a Time Card Batch. [18486 / zd4963]
Ripple Issue: Adding a new child title causes parent values to ripple to existing child titles
Resolves an issue in the Title application where Document Customization fields (aka ‘Assignments’) were being incorrectly reset to their default value of ‘Unassigned’. The field’s default value should only default upon new record creation. [7545 / TDO17602] [7545 / tdo172602]
Search Child Title(s) Option Not Available when using Roles
There is no Rights Code for the Title Actions item 'Search Child Title(s)', and no clear way to expose it to non-super users. [7642 / zd491]
Linking a Title to a Parent Title via REST API
Resolves an issue preventing the linking of a Title to a Parent Title via the REST API [12608 / zd1020]
Display issue on Transmission Orders list when Toggle Merge Cells
Resolves an issue with using ‘Toggle Merge Cells’ causing values to shift to the left. [3053 / tdo170600]
Duplicating Transmission Order Service Adds Additional Resource to Resources Path
When duplicating a transmission order service and saving, the resource path looks like it begins and end with the same resource. The resource path should retain its original resource path. [13886 / zd2171]
Visualizer - Adding Service with Branched Operations creates odd dependencies
Adding an operation via the Visualizer should add a new branch rather than trying to insert the operation into an existing dependency string. [17638 / zd4609]
Unable to Open Orders with a Saved Search using Relative Dates
For 10.4 sites before SP4, saved searches can be corrected by running the attached SQL statement (FixSavedSearches.sql) [19537 / zd6342]
Object Reference Error Opening Transmission Order After Resource Code Change
Resolves an issue where an object reference error upon opening a Transmission Order was turned after the user made a Resource Code change (using the Resource Code Change Utility). [19980 / zd6768]
Quick Holds not being displayed to users who have phase class restrictions
Resolves an issue where users restricted by phase classes were unable to view Quick Holds. [20612 / zd6248]
Work Orders
W/O Transactions fields not available in the Calculated Fields Expression Editor for JmWoFormReport
Resolves an issue where using the function Calculated Fields and the Expression Editor in the JmWoFormReport (DocID = 358), when adding ‘W/O Transactions’, only Work Orders fields were retrieved, and not Order Transactions fields. [12851 / zd1582]
Not All Order Types Showing with 'View other divisions?' Enabled
Resolves an issue where not all Order Types were showing when the ‘View other divisions?’ option was enabled. [13556 / zd1943]
Unlock Order Not Available on Work Order List
Resolves an issue where Unlock Order was not always available to users for Orders where the Phase was set to ‘Locked.’ [13801 / zd2134]
Unable to generate Report
Resolves a 502 error that would result when running Preview Order Form for multiple Work Orders at a time. [14977 / zd2700]
Transaction resource selection not filtered by Resource Compatibility
Resolves an issue where transaction resource selection was not being filtered by Resource Compatibility. [16079 / zd3453]
Work orders Rapid update does not follow Phase Required Fields setup
Resolves an issue where a Phase Required Field was not being validated when updating to a Phase that made the field required. [16276 / zd3622]
Duplicating Scheduling Transactions Changes Date
Resolves an issue in Order Transaction Duplication where the selected target date on the Duplication window did not match the actual begin date of the copied Transaction. [16292 / zd3705]
Duplicating Orders via SB Shifts Times (Time Zone)
Resolves an issue that occurred when duplicating an order. In this instance, it was related to the time zone the user copying the order was in, while another user was viewing the Order while in a different time zone. In addition, the order's date/time crossed over the summer/winter time change (and in this case, involving time changes in different hemispheres, from US summer to AUS summer). [19954 / zd6669]
Adding Notes via JM Order Transactions List adds the note on the incorrect transaction.
Resolves an issue when a user attempted to add a Note via the Order Transactions List in Job Management, the note was saved to another random transaction (instead the one it was intended for). [20275 | zd7086] [20275 / zd7086]
Quick Holds not being displayed to users who have phase classes.
Resolves an issue where users restricted by phase classes were unable to view Quick Holds. [20612 / zd6248]
Duplicating Orders via SB Shifts Times (Time Zone)
Resolves an issue where duplicating Orders in Schedule Book when the Book Time zone and the User Time zone were not in sync. The symptom was that the order's start/end times would be offset from the original. [20652 / zd7227]