Deprecation Announcements
Deprecated in this Release
No Deprecations in this release.
Pre-Announcing Deprecations in Future Releases
Smart Client for end users
Smart Client will not be supported for normal users at version 11.0 and beyond. Smart Client will still be
supported for Layouts and Report Writer until a replacement of equivalent functionality in the web UX is made available in a future release.
The Application Server configuration entry for SKY_BROADCAST_CHANGES will be deprecated in version 11.0 and beyond. It has been determined that this setting was causing major, unnecessary performance issues in systems with 100 or more users. Going forward the system will not broadcast changes to all user sessions. Users will continue to receive changes from other users upon re-opening a particular Maintenance Document or Search List. This primarily affects refreshing of searches, and the population of dropdown lists when new values are recently added. Broadcasting of booking changes into the Schedule Book will remain active.
REST API v1 will not be supported in version 11.0 and beyond.
SOAP API will be deprecated in a future version. It is recommended you do not use it for any new development.
Make plans now to port all integrations to the REST API v2 and be sure to take advantage of the new Web Hooks features now available for outbound integrations.
New Features
APIs and Integration
REST API Printed Documentation for System Integrators
REST API documentation for system integrators is available in the form of:
- REST API Reference guide v10.4 Media Operations Platform REST API Reference.pdf (available on
request) - Postman Collection of example API calls
- Public Swagger docs. API Docs [9793]
Teams Integration Enhancement
Teams Chat integration has now been enhanced and updated. Instead of creating a Team and Channel for chats, a simpler Group Chat item is now created for each new chat item.
Users can now start a Teams Group Chat for a:
- Work Order
- Media Order
- Transmission Order
- Transactions
- Job
The chat name and body text are now definable and can include filed values from the chat document. A default chat participant list needs to be defined in Chat Setup.
Any user not part of the default participant list can still chat becoming dynamically added to the specific chat they are launching. Note: that the newly added participant will see all the history of that chat. [7327]
Webhooks - View Log of Past Payload Communications
When Export Adaptors are set with logging enabled (enabled by default) all external communications will be logged into the Export Adaptor Log.
This is accessible from the navigation menu:
- System – Export Adaptor Logs
- From any document displaying filtered logs related to the document item.
This makes viewing logs simple without involving access to backend log files. (Feature Flag: Ruby) [11403]
Bids and Budgets
Bid Occurrence Length Expanded
The Occurrence field in bid detail has been expanded and modified to allow entry of up to 365 dates.[4814]
MetaVault Library
Enterprise Fields for Assets Added to MetaVault Search
Twenty generic text fields have existed in the database for media assets. In legacy versions, those not having a layout editor, these were only available via pop-up windows but were available for searching. In the Platform, the fields were available in the Media Asset maintenance window but were not available in MetaVault Search.
These twenty fields are now available for configuration into the MetaVault Search Criteria and Results. [10727]
Parent Scheduling Groups - Phase I
Parent Scheduling Groups allow a site to create a collection of Scheduling Resource Groups to improve the organization of resources, scope the selection of resources, and provide a higher-level abstraction when initially creating a placeholder for later resource assignment.
Parent Scheduling Groups:
- Are an optional feature; if no additional grouping or organization is necessary, Parent Scheduling Groups do not need to be configured or used.
- Are added and modified under the Scheduling module.
- Contain one or more Scheduling Resource Groups, and each Scheduling Resource Group can belong to zero, one, or more Parent Scheduling Groups
- Can be used to organize items based on physical, geographical, business, or conceptual relationships; for example, multiple transponders (Resource Scheduling Groups) can be grouped by their parent satellite, by capability, or by region/market.
- Can optionally be assigned to Work Order, Media Order (Phase II), and Transmission Order (Phase II)
Transactions to limit the Scheduling Group and Resource assignments for that transaction.
(Feature Flag: Ruby) [2962]
Schedule Book Improvements
In the Schedule Book, if one or more bookings are stacked on top of each other they will now display a special icon in the upper left of the bar. Clicking the icon will send that bar to the bottom of the stack, revealing the other booking(s). Each booking in the stack receives the icon so multiples can be sent to the bottom when appropriate. This sort order does not save, meaning if the Book is refreshed the bookings will revert to the natural stack. The new icon is meant a) to show that other bookings exist beneath the one that is seen and b) allow the user to shuffle the bars to see the others in the stock.
The Cancel button has been removed from several pop-up windows in the Schedule Book as it is redundant. The ‘X’ in the top right corner of each pop-up serves as cancel and close the pop-up. [11939]
Schedule Book Usability Issues
Usability improvements were made to the New View, Open View and Find pop-up windows in the Schedule Book to address issues found internally. (Sapphire/Ruby feature flag only) [5205]
Apply Roster Template to Multiple Resources
Roster Templates may now be loaded for multiple resources at once from the Scheduling Resources search list. This follows the same logic as seen in Scheduling Resource maintenance but allows for it to be done for multiple resources at once. [3870]
User Select - Pop-ups for Resource Required
In Scheduling Group setup, the Resource Required option now offers a new prompting option, which allows the system to prompt the user that a resource needs to be assigned to a transaction, without forcing them to assign the resource at that time. When the Scheduling Group is added to an Order, or when the Order is opened and contains the Group assignment with no Resource, the Group Resources List is displayed to encourage the user to immediately select a resource.
If an Order contains more than one transaction with a Scheduling Group set to Prompt, the system will display one Group Resources List for each prompt. To assist the user in selecting the correct resource, the header of the Group Resources List displays the name of the Scheduling Group generating the prompt.
If the Not Assigned resource is applied to the transaction, the prompt is still displayed until a real resource is assigned. This prompt is not displayed when the Resource Optional setting is enabled in the Phase setup, allowing certain phases at early development stages to contain placeholders without disrupting the user.
This option is similar to the existing Warn option but displays the Group Resources List earlier in the
booking/editing process, rather than waiting until the user attempts to save the order. [32]
Services and Utilities
Configuration: Broadcast Refresh of Drop-Down Values
Dynamic Slots - Optimize
An 'Optimize' flag has been added to transactions for dynamic resources. When this flag is checked, the system optimizes the placement of the transaction by positioning it at the lowest available frequency/frequency offset on the dynamic resource. The system will ask for a bandwidth value if doesn't already apply to the transaction.
The system then calculates the minimum and maximum offsets, and uplink and downlink center frequencies.
Any time or bandwidth changes will automatically recalculate its optimal position of the transaction, so long as the Optimize flag is selected. If Optimize isn't set, then the frequency offsets will remain unchanged or the user must manually change them. (Feature Flag: Ruby) [11762]
Transmission Parameter Named Fields
A list of fields has been identified as common parameters for transmission orders. These values are typically defined at multiple levels. Within the Platform, these levels have been defined as the order, service row, operation/transaction and resource. A new, separate table of fields has been specifically defined for these parameters and the ability to set values as well as which levels a value might apply. Not all parameters must be defined at all levels and a site need not use all parameters. Once defined, parameters can be added to layouts as fields and in the Schedule Book and Calendar Gadget similarly to Document Customization fields. Within a Transmission Order, parameters at different levels can be inherited from higher levels, e.g. service row inherits from order, operation inherits from service row, etc. Common Transmission module searches -- MCR List, Service Row Search, Operations List, etc. -- have been coded to use these values.
This functionality has only been defined for Transmission Orders. (Feature Flag: Ruby) [3041]
Approx Out & Goodnight
Fields and functionality have been put in place to record approximate out (Approx Out) time for orders. Initially, Approx Out is a value, in minutes, that extends beyond the Order End, similar to a bumper. This value can be displayed on bars in the Schedule Book and can affect the billing amount on pre-invoices as Billing Codes can also be set up to know how to bill for Approx Out time.
A goodnight action and accompanying fields have also been added to the orders. When an order is
‘goodnighted’, its Order End is updated, along with matching transaction times. Goodnight will also actualize any transaction with a Billing Code setup for Approx Out, setting the actual units based on the initial Approx Out value, the actual time between the original end time and the goodnight time or the closest increment to the latter. If the Billing Code has been set up to adjust billing units based on actual units, appropriate adjustments are made for final billing.
The order retains a pre-goodnight date, the time of the goodnight, the user who goodnighted the order, the original Approx Out and the actual Approx Out after goodnight. (Feature Flag: Ruby) [2457]
Resolved Issues
APIs and Integration
API ‘GET’ Call does not Retrieve Expected Results when Defining Seconds
Resolved an issue in the REST API where the 'GET' call was retrieving incorrect results if seconds were passed as criteria in date/time fields. [9825/zd425]
Bids and Budgets
Bid Link Issue Checked when No Issue Exists
Resolved an issue where a Bid Link Issue would persist after initially resolving the issue in the Bid Detail List pop-up. [10359/zd653]
Billing - Invoicing
Rate Set Applied on Media Order Transaction Not Reflecting Rate Set Applied to Bid Detail
Resolved an issue where Transactions linked to a Bid Detail row would fail to show the Rate Set from the Bid Detail row resulting in incorrect rate calculations. [13164/zd1682]
Invoice Forms Displaying Unexpected Customer Addresses
Resolved an issue where certain invoices would include incorrect billing addresses. [15237/zd2902]
View Invoice Form Displays Error Message
Resolved an issue that occurred when using Split Billing on a Job, where the user was presented with an 'An internal error has occurred' error message and was unable to open the invoice. [15507/zd2601]
Library Movements
MetaVault Library Assets Moving Unexpectedly
Resolved an issue where certain Library Movements with Location designations would move the Asset to an unexpected alternate location. [16132/zd3521]
Long Term Planning
Capacity Search Unable to Return Result Using Division Criteria
Resolved an issue in the Long-Term Planning's Capacity search where no results were retrieved when a division filter was used. [11504]
Utilization Summary Results Not Following Criteria by Group Code
Resolved an issue where the Utilization Summary in Scenario Planning would ignore Group Selection and result in all groups being included in the results. [8026/zd606]
Media Order
Transaction Cost Not Updating from PO Detail
Resolves an issue where incorrect PO Costs were being set on transactions created from a Media Order Service row. PO Detail Costs will now override any other settings to set Costs on linked transactions. Costs in Billing Rates and Operation Cost Override will only apply to transactions if there is no PO link. [4341/zd420]
RADs Based on Source Targets Creates Billing Issue
Resolved an issue where using RADs based on the definition of source target results caused a billing issue if source targets contained different definitions and multiple sources were linked to a Service. [10554/zd612]
Insert Header Row error: Binding Source cannot be Data Source
Resolved an issue in the Windows (Smart) Client that prevented Media Order uses from inserting header rows. [15363/zd2952]
ResizeObserver Loop Results in Undelivered Notifications Message
Resolved an issue where the Resize Observer loop completed with an undelivered notifications error. The error would occur when opening Media Orders and Jobs. [14450/zd1869]
Cannot Create New Media Order
Resolved an issue in the Web client where users were unable to create a new Media Order using complex site custom layouts containing multiple visibility rules across many tabs. [14905/zd2642]
Cannot Add Asset as Source to a Media Order
Resolved an issue where an invalid Part Media Asset No. value was replacing the Asset No. on Media Order Source rows. The system will now only replace the Asset No. if the Part Media Asset No. matches an existing Asset No. [13578/zd1849]
The Resource field, 'Engineering Description' is missing in the Resource Search results.
Resolved issues with the Resource Search where the Engineering Description field was not available to add to the results, Additionally the Search filters for External Status and Generate PO fields were not working. [8767]
Error Message Opening Schedule Book
Resolved an error that would occur when opening the Schedule Book. [9863/zd594]
Job Number Lost Creating Quick Hold using Quick Add
Resolved an issue where initiating a Quick Hold containing a Job from a Quick Add in My Schedule was not saving the Job on the new Quick Hold record. [9919/zd601]
Moving or Editing a Booking Changes Durations
Resolved an issue when the preference for Setup/Bumper Display set to Included would change the duration of a Quick Hold containing Setup and Bumper times when editing the booking using the Edit Window on the Schedule Book. [7632/zd470]
Roster Other Time Off Begin Date Changing Incorrectly
Resolved an issue where updating the Row Display of a Roster was changing its Begin Date/Time when using the Left-Click option in the Schedule Book. [11830/zd1103]
Blank View Past Days in Schedule Book Results in Error
Resolved an issue in the Schedule Book when the 'View Past Days' field was blank, an unhandled exception indicating a Null object reference error would result. [12522]
Unable to Save Schedule Views
Resolved an issue where if a database had no Scheduling Views, it was not possible to create a new initial View, and an internal error would occur. [12798/zd1597]
Setup and Bumper Times Increases Work Order Duration
Resolved an issue where Setup and Bumper times increased the Work Order Duration when applied from the Edit Order window in Schedule Book. [14431/zd2174]
Services and Utilities
Lost Connection to Server Error
Addresses the cause of spurious lost connection to server errors and reduces web client chattiness. It should be noted that infrequent web connectivity issues may still result in a Lost connection to server error. [13625/zd1248]
Intermittent Error when Logging In Resolved an issue where an error would occur when logging in as well as when opening License Compliance, when the database had a malformed license file. [13170/zd1844]
Order Actuals - Action Times Lost
Resolved an issue where choosing different masks for display and edit was resulting in entry errors causing the removal of Time in Order Actuals (and other places).
CHANGE: the Time Display mask field has been inactivated and the Time Mask field now governs both display and entry masks. This has been done in both Preferences - System and Division setup programs. [13449]
Multiple Search Screens Freezing
Resolved an issue where certain interactions with scheduled tasks would result in database deadlock conditions and overall performance issues. [14391/zd1563]
Storage Billing
Storage Billing Excluding Check-In for Assets Created Session Date
Resolved an issue where assets that have a Storage Begin Date matching the Billing Date did not create a
Check-in transaction on Storage Billing Session > Session Details. [9049/zd541]
Time Card
Transactions are not Loading into the Correct Time Card Batch
Resolved an issue where, in a Master Time Zone-encoded database, Transactions created on the last day of a Time Card Batch loaded into the correct Batch, as well as a Batch starting on the next day. [4776/zd441]
Payroll Rule on Transaction not Restricted by Employee
Resolved an issue where the Payroll Rules dropdown on Order Transactions did not match the Payroll Rules set up on the associated Resource's Employee record. [10824/zd702]
Transmission Order cannot be Duplicated
Resolved an issue where duplicating certain Transmission Orders resulted in an unhandled error message.
Transmission Visualizer Resource Links Incorrectly Displayed
Resolved an issue connecting resources in the Transmission Visualizer when using the right connector dot and dragging a line to the next resource from left to right, the connector line would go to the right-hand side of the box instead of the left. [9808/zd568]
Collapsing Transmission Service Row Highlights Multiple Rows
Resolved an issue where collapsing a Transmission Service Header row highlighted the Service Header row above the collapsed row. [13882/zd2170]
Transmission Order Visualizer Arrows Pointing in Wrong Direction
Resolved an issue where, in certain circumstances, the arrows would point the wrong direction in the
Transmission Visualizer. [12446]
Work Orders
Unable to Create Interval Splits Across Daylight Savings Time Change
Resolved an error that occurred when creating Interval Splits on bookings that overlapped Daylight Savings Time. [7638/zd4786]
Moving a W/O Transaction Prompts User to Change Billing Code
Resolved an issue where changing a Group or Resource would prompt the Prompt the user to Change the Billing Code unnecessarily. [7292/zd463]
Duplicating Orders with Inactive Resource Doesn't Give Warning
CHANGE: handling of duplicating an order containing a Resource that was set to expire prior to the begin date of the duplicated order. The user now has 3 options if inactive Resources are found during duplication:
a) Copy the order(s) and clear the inactive Resources
b) Copy the order(s) with the inactive Resources
c) Cancel the copy.
For options a) and b), the UI user will be shown an Order Transactions list showing the transactions where the Resource has been cleared or is inactive. This gives them a chance to fix the data.
Note: The search list cannot be shown to the API User. [9096/zd547]