Deprecation Announcements
No Deprecations in this release.
Pre-Announcing Deprecations in Future Releases
Smart Client for end users
Smart Client will not be supported for normal users at version 11.0 and beyond. Smart Client will still be supported for Layouts and Report Writer until a replacement of equivalent functionality in the web UX is made available in a future release.
REST API v1 will not be supported in version 11.0 and beyond.
SOAP API will be deprecated in a future version. It is recommended you do not use it for any new development. Make plans now to port all of your integrations to the REST API v2.
New Features
All Modules
Document Drop-down List Filtering [6910]
‘Document Filters’ may now be defined. When selected on a record, a Document Filter can limit or disable dropdown list fields.
- Each Filter can define one or more Drop-down Document IDs, each with a selected list of values. If a Document isn’t selected, it isn’t affected. If it is selected but no values are defined, the field is disabled when that Filter is selected.
- Each Filter can apply for more than one type of Document. For example, one Filter could apply to all three types of Orders, Media Assets and Purchase Orders.
- Filters can be defaulted by document Types.
- Work Order and Service Templates may set them where it applies.
Document Filter is available on:
- Orders – Work, Media & Transmission
- Service Rows and Sources can have their own.
- Jobs
- Customer, Vendor and User Profiles.
- WO Templates
- Services – Media & Transmission
- Service Templates – Media & Transmission
- Media Assets
- Library Titles
- Groups
- Resources
- Purchase Orders
- Bids
- Bid Templates
- Projects
Search/Grid List Export to Excel Exports All Results [4491]
The ‘Export to Excel’ functionality in search lists and some grid blocks has been expanded. The function currently asks if selected rows or all rows should be exported. Now when the user chooses “all”, the entire result set – all pages, not just the current – will be exported.
Filter Drop-down Fields by Other Fields Values (Data-binding) [41/t166371]
Feature Flag: Sapphire
Admin users can now configure drop-down field lists that are filtered by other fields.
This means that users will be displayed a list of drop-down values filtered on the value assigned to another field. This enables system configurators the flexibility to provide users with relevant pick-list values based on prior defined field values, improving user experience and data quality.
You could have two fields; one filters the available values in another.
Field 1 - 'Sport', selectable values
Filed 2 - 'Team', selectable values filtered by the Sport selected
If the user selects Rugby in Field 1, then the user will be displayed a filtered list of values: Team 30 & Team 31 to select from for Field 2.
Note: Any field that is a standard drop-down can be used as a filtering field. Lookup fields do not support
filtering (e.g., Customer & Contact fields).
Swagger Index Page [4532]
An index page has been provided that gives integration developers a list of all the available REST API
endpoints for a system.
All endpoints are grouped by module with a search facility. By selecting an endpoint launches its Swagger documentation page for full technical details about the endpoint including methods & fields. The Swagger index page can be found at https://<instance URL>/ApiDocs
Webhook Integration Standardization [2597]
A new feature has been created to easily enable event driven workflows with external systems.
Users are now able to configure, through the platform UI, the triggering of a JSON payload to an external web service endpoint. This feature enhances the existing Event Trigger functionality. A user can now design a basic JSON payload template, selecting the key id field to send to a predefined external endpoint.
New setup items have been created so that users can define external host URLs and their endpoints.
This feature enables external systems to start their workflows from Xytech generated triggers. External systems may need to call back to the Xytech's API to retrieve additional related data needed for its workflow.
Customer Discount/Mark-up & Deal Memo Changes [435]
Feature Flag: Sapphire
Customer discounts and mark-ups may now be defined in the Rate Card setup. This allows a site to set up
discount or mark-up percentages that will default for a particular customer in bids and orders. For bids, these discounts and mark-ups override those defined in a Billing Code's Rate Set. For orders, they apply after bids and deal memos and override any discount or mark-up in a Billing Code's Rate Set. Customer discounts and mark-ups can apply to all or only specified AR Categories. Discounts and mark-ups can be edited in rate card setup or accessed from the customer profile via a new action. A new Customer Discount search list has been added to search and report by this new setup.
Deal memos for the same customer and rate card may now overlap, allowing for expanded use to define
customer-specific rates. Quick access to a customer's deal memos has been added to the customer profile via an action.
AR Category & GL Accounts by Internal/External Customers [230/t165191]
Feature Flag: Sapphire
In the Accounts Receivable [AR] and General Ledger [GL] modules, the system now provides additional
functionality to differentiate between internal and external customers:
The Customer Type now provides a checkbox labelled ‘Internal’. By assigning a Customer Type to a Customer that has this checkbox checked, that Customer is considered ‘Internal’ for the purposes of additional functionality listed below.
The GL Account now provides a checkbox labelled Internal, and the GL Accounts list can be used to display GL Accounts that are Internal (checked), External (cleared), or Both.
The AR Category now provides a mechanism to override the default GL Account and GL WIP Account for one or more Customer Types. This allows a given site to apply different GL accounts for different reasons, including Internal customers.
If the Customer Type for a given override is marked as Internal, the system requires that the GL account
associated to the override is also marked Internal. (This validation is not applied to the GL WIP account.)
Document customizations can be used to add the properties from Customer Type (including the Internal flag) as the search criteria to find:
- Jobs
- Work Orders, Media Orders, Transmission Orders,
- Order Transactions, Media Transactions, and Transmission Transactions
Order Transaction [Trx] Search: Actualized Criterion [10115]
Feature Flag: Sapphire
It is now possible to search for actualized transactions in the Order Transaction searches. A new 'Trx Actualized Flag' criterion has options to search for fully actualized transactions, those with actuals but not finalized and those without any actuals. A same-named field can show in the results to identify which transactions have been actualized.
Media Order
Service Template Detail List - Rapid/Grid Update enabled [6911]
The Platform now supports the grid/rapid updating of service template details.
Orders (all types)
Document Customization Functions for Orders: Resource by Group or Resource Type [42/t166374]
Feature Flag: Ruby
An admin user can now add custom function fields to order lists that will display a filtered list of transaction details for that order in a single field.
This facilitates being able to see the resources booked in an order without having to open the order.
Areas this can be used include order list views, order detail layouts and Schedule Book displays.
Note: The feature is a direct replacement for ScheduALL's display block function fields.
You can configure a function field to display a list of Editors booked in an order.
The field used in a list view:
The function field used in a fly-over in Schedule Book:
Phases: Disallow “Not Assign” Resource [4205/t169466]
Feature Flag: Ruby
A new feature has been added to Phase setup that will prevent users from advancing an order's Phase if the order contains transactions with unassigned resources.
Two options are available to either warn the user or to prevent the user from assigning the selected Phase. This feature will help ensure that when orders get to a certain phase, they will not contain unassigned resources.
Add ScheduALL-built fields to Platform database [4527]
Feature Flag: Sapphire
Several fields have been added to Bids, Contacts, Employees, Jobs, Resources, Transactions, and Work
Orders/Media Orders/Transaction Orders in the Media Operations Platform.
For example:
- Bids, Jobs, and Work Orders now offer the ability to assign a Producer and/or Supervisor; system
preferences determine which Profiles can be used to identify what Contacts can be selected as
Producers or Supervisors. - Work Orders now offer the ability to assign a Director; a system preference determines which Profile is used to identify what Contacts can be selected as a Director.
- Work Orders and Work Order Transactions now provide a Cancel Date field.
- Contacts now provide a Customer Since date, and a County field.
Scheduler Pop-up Notes for Customer [2768]
Feature Flag: Sapphire
A new ‘notes’ field now exists in the Customer setup that will pop up when making a new booking for the
customer. This becomes useful when there is pertinent information you would like the person making the
booking to be aware of relating to that customer (e.g., 'Prefers to work with editor John').
Resource Search & Conflict Improvements [92]
Feature Flag: Sapphire
A new scheduling block is available in the Conflicts window. This shows a graphic representation of what has been scheduled for the resource and times in conflict.
A new scheduling block is available in the Group Resource List, which is the window that typically opens when a user is searching for a resource when creating a transaction. This block shows a graphic representation of the resource's schedule during the time of the transaction.
The Scheduling Group Code maximum length has been increased to 10 characters.
A Scheduling View criterion has been added to the Group Resource List. When selected, the resources in the view will be selected. A default for this criterion has been added to Groups. Using this default, the view can pre-set a broader list of alternative resources to default when a user opens the search.
In support of this, Schedule View criteria in many lists has been changed from a drop-down to a lookup field.
A new button/action on Transactions allows a user to select the Not Assigned Resource for the selected group.
This action is available in Transaction maintenance, Transaction search and in the Schedule Book.
There is now a User override for the module preference to prevent or warn about Conflicts. This allows the site as a whole to be set one way and a particular user to be set differently.
Efficiency changes for Rapid Update:
- Resource lookup now opens the Group Resource List instead of Scheduling Resources search.
- A prompt will now let the user know when the process is finished.
Scheduler pop-up notes for resource [463]
Feature Flag: Sapphire
Resources can now be set up with a notes field that will pop-up to the user whenever the resource gets booked.
This provides users with the ability to inform the scheduling user of information pertinent to the resource they are booking such as 'John will be ending his contract in June, so avoid booking him to projects that will extend into June'.
Sched Book/Calendar Gadget Sapphire Improvements [83]
Feature Flag: Sapphire
Various improvements have been made to the Schedule Book and Calendar Gadget.
In the Schedule Book, the 'Find' feature in the Schedule Book has been modified:
- The window can now be accessed via a button at the top of the Y-Axis rather than an action menu item
- It is now a floating window that stays open until a user closes it or leaves the tab
- It will briefly highlight the found Resource in the Y-Axis so the user knows where to look
An icon can be seen on a booking bar when a Not Assigned Resource has been selected for any transaction in the Order. This applies in the Schedule Book and in the Calendar Gadget.
A Group can be set up so that when a new Resource is added, it will not show up in the Schedule Book Views that include that Group by default. The user would need to manually edit the View to make the Resource visible.
A new action in the Schedule Book and Calendar Gadget allow a user to select one or more transactions to change the current resource to the Group's Not Assigned Resource.
A new action will open the Group Resource List, allowing a user to choose one or more Resources to add to an Order or Quick Hold. It is available in:
- Schedule Book
- Calendar Gadget
- Order Transactions - Work, Media Order & Transmission
- Order Transactions search - Work, Media Order & Transmission
- Quick Hold maintenance
- Quick Holds search
A user may now search Quick Hold header values via Additional Filters, namely Job and Customer.
The Items window opened from the Schedule Book has been updated so that a site may edit it via the Layout Editor.
The existing Collapse All button at the top of the Y-axis will now toggle to an 'Expand All' button as appropriate.
If a user makes changes that update the current Schedule View -- display or items editing -- a warning will now appear if the user tries to close the View without saving.
If a user makes changes to the visuals of the View, the system will now alert if the user closes or changes the view without saving first.
In the Schedule Book, a user may now change to a different Scheduling View without opening a new tab or choosing from the Navigator.
The field that stores the IDs of a User's personally assigned Views has been expanded to allow more Views.
Apply Roster Template to Multiple Resources [3870]
Feature Flag: Ruby
Roster Templates may now be loaded for multiple resources at once from the Scheduling Resources search list. This follows the same logic as seen in Scheduling Resource maintenance but allows for it to be done for multiple resources at once.
User Restriction of Access to Resource Groups - Group Class [43/t166406]
Feature Flag: Ruby
The ability to restrict the visibility of Scheduling Groups has been introduced. Users who manage user security access can now define a selection of Scheduling Groups as a Group Class. A Group Class can be assigned to users.
This will ensure users can only search and assign (groups or resources) from scheduling groups contained in their Group Class.
Note: This feature is intended to assist ScheduALL systems with the migration of their Resource Group security requirements.
Areas where Group Class restricts visibility include:
- Resource and group lists
- Schedule book & agenda pane
- Order template setup
- Bid/budget
- Rental check in/out
- Searches and reports
Known limitations:
- When a user with a Group Class creates a new Group, it gets automatically added to their Group Class, but the new Group will not be included in searches until user logs back in.
- A user with a Group Class assigned can access a Group setup for a Group not in their Group Class from the order transactions list or a transaction booked in an order.
Contact Association to Multiple Customers [262/t166413]
Feature Flag: Sapphire
In the System > Contacts area, a Company contact now allows a user to select an Individual contact as an Associate even if that Individual is already associated to a different Company. Once the Individual is an Associate of the Company, the user can then create Associate Phone/Email records; each record is either specific to that Company (such as corporate phone extensions or email addresses), or available to all Companies (such as mobile numbers or personal email addresses). When assigning an Individual contact to items such as Jobs, Work Orders, and Bids, the system then limits the available contact phone/email records to those associated to the item's assigned Company and those not associated to any Company.
For example:
- Individual A adds a Phone/Email record for a personal email address.
- Company A creates an association with Individual A, and adds an email address ( that is specific to that company.
- Company B creates an association with Individual A, adds an email address ( that is specific to that company, and adds a mobile phone number that is not specific to that company.
- In a Job for Company A, contact information is limited to the email address, personal email address, and mobile phone number.
- In a Job for Company B, contact information is limited to the email address, personal email address, and mobile phone number.
Schedule Book - Bandwidth Plan Selector [3772]
Feature Flag: Ruby
A new Bandwidth Plan Selector action has been added to the Schedule Book. It allows a user to select a
bandwidth and have all Groups that use bandwidth plans switch to the plan that matches. A user could also choose “default” to have every group show its default plan, or dynamic to show the dynamic plan. Any group that doesn't have a plan to match will be hidden. To help the user know what is being shown, new options have been added to bar and hover text for groups, resources, and bookings to display bandwidth.
Schedule Book - Retain Satellite Channel Height and Position upon selection of different Bandwidth Plan [3787]
Feature Flag: Ruby
Adjustments have been made when displaying groups that use bandwidth plans in the Schedule Book so that the position of the bookings better represents what has been scheduled.
Dynamic Slots and Availability Ranges [3413/t172135]
Feature Flag: Ruby
The scheduling of groups that use bandwidth planning -- i.e., transponders -- has been expanded to allow for a “dynamic” resource. A plan that contains a dynamic resource is set up such that a user need only define a time range and a bandwidth so that the system can automatically find and assign the lowest available frequency. The system will then calculate the center uplink and downlink frequency (and the outer start and end frequency occupied) for this one-time dynamic slot. By being booked on an actual resource, this gives the dynamic slots the full functionality, linking, reporting of a resource throughout The Platform, but eliminates the exponential database growth that would occur if each dynamic slot had to be instantiated as a new resource in the system to be used only the one time.
Dynamic resource availability can be further defined using Availability Ranges. These can be created manually via new search and maintenance documents, from the Schedule Book by users with the correct security or via API.
There is a new spreadsheet import for Bandwidth Plans to make setting up transponder groups easier. This is available once the Group has been created.
Resolved Issues
- Resolved an issue where an error occurred when creating a User via the API. [625/t171754]
- Resolved an issue where API calls were taking longer to show results than previous versions. [7039]
- Resolved an issue where Bid/Job Comparison Report generation resulted in an error if the Billing Description Header was left blank on a Bid Detail row. [162/t171521]
- Resolved an issue when pasting text into an unsaved document. [2746/t171007]
- Resolved an issue where updating a Contact on a Bid would fail to save. [6372/t172706]
- Resolved an issue where opening 'Crew Schedule' from a job would generate an error [9540]
- Resolved an issue where Rate Attribute Definition values assigned to a Division were displaying “Global” for Access rather than “Division”. [3941/t172318]
- Resolved an issue where Billing Codes actions > 'Rate Card Rates' included Rates where Rate Source = "Bid". [6398]
- Resolved an issue where the transaction window was not available to Media Order and Transmission Actuals processes. [9283]
- Resolved an issue where all Void Reasons were updating the Order to the 'Ready to Bill' Phase, regardless of the Allow Invoice setting. [9672/t173484]
Issue Management
- Resolved an issue when creating Transactions from Order IM Session Status that would create a negative ID (trx_no) key value. [3001/t171984]
Job Management
- Resolved a cosmetic issue that occurred when making multiple duplicates of a Billing Code. The modified rate cards for the duplicate were seemingly being added to the original and would disappear upon a refresh. [425/t171543]
- Resolved an issue where an error resulted when deleting a Work Order Transaction if the transaction was part of an Invite, and 'Configure Calendar Invitations Using Event Triggers' CB was checked. [3249/t172106]
- Resolved an issue where duplicated Orders with Transactions linked to a Time Card Batch were retaining the link to the original time card batch. [3514/t172194]
- Resolved an issue where duplicating Orders across midnight would result in incorrect date ranges. [9301]
- Resolved an issue where the Swap Mode would remain 'On' after a refresh. [9495]
- Resolved an issue where Accrual and reverse Accrual orders were created incorrectly. [9496]
Media Orders
- Resolved an issue in Media Order Service Status caused by dragging custom Editable Service Column items from Available to Selected moved some items back, and Available items were being renamed with a prefix of “PR Adj”. [2469/t171840]
- Resolved an issue where the Media Order Service 'Override Vendor Filter' checkbox was preventing a configured Service that was not associated with a Vendor from being added to a Media Order. [3135/t172075]
- Resolved a cosmetic issue caused by switching from one Media Order Transactions layout to another would remove Transactions from view. [3680/t172269]
- Resolved an issue where Source Target values were disappearing on saving a Media Order. [4168/t171099]
- Resolved an error that occurred when opening a Media Order Service Template. [4185]
- Resolved an issue where Divisional items on the Media Order Profile Spec Setup List should have been filtered out of the selection dropdown during order editing. [4605/t172428]
- Resolved an issue where duplicating multiple Media Orders would result in inconsistent display of data from copy to copy. [7416/t158286]
- Resolved an issue where after cancelling a Media Order Service row with a Billing Issue and selecting 'Remove/Restore Billing Issue' from Actions > Services, the Billing Issue checkbox on the row displayed an indeterminate (null) state rather than 'unchecked’. [7449/t172883]
- Resolved an issue caused by duplicating a Job Management Order and then choosing the Transmission Order document type on the Order Duplicate window resulted in an error. [7565/t172933]
- Resolved an error where time changes were incorrectly applied to Orders [8918]
- Resolved an issue where saving a shipping default would display a Not Found error if the customer had no prior shipping defaults. [9114]
- Resolved an issue where certain configurations would result in an incorrect Due Date for a Media Order [9790]
- Resolved an issue where a new Media Order resulted in a message asking about deleting existing Service Rows and loading a template from the new Job. [10679/t173872]
MetaVault Library
- Resolved a MetaVault Search issue caused by selecting either a Segmented Asset or a Title used in Segments, then clicking the 'Show Segments' actions item, would open an empty Segment window. [138/t168906]
- Resolved an issue in MetaVault Search where the ability to expand/collapse parent > child tables, like Titles > Assets and Assets > Audio, was unavailable. [580/t171751]
- Resolved an issue where the Segments Master List results differed depending on where the list was opened from. [9414]
- Resolved two errors triggered from the Invoices list when using Actions > Invoices > Credit/Rebill.
- Resolved an issue where a Discrepancy popup on a Rental Check In/Out linked to a Work Order, showed Resources from the order that were present in the 'Scanned' tab as “Not on Work Order”, and the remaining unscanned Resources on the Order were not shown on the 'Scheduled' tab. [4606/t172449]
- Resolved an error that occurred when creating a new Rental Resource with a new Group and attempting to post from Work Order >Actions > Check In/Out > Resolve Discrepancy > Post. [7094]
- Resolved an issue in Rental Movements where Parent/Child Resources loaded from Work Order Templates were not displaying as Check In/Out Discrepancies. [7191/t172776]
- Resolved an issue in Rental Movements when attempting to check in a resource previously Swapped OUT resulted in a message, "Checked in already" would appear. After performing a Swap OUT and then IN, both resources received the status "SWAP IN" - instead of keeping the resource sent out as a replacement with the status = OUT. [9660/t173424]
- Resolved an issue where an “Order number format is incorrect” error message was occurring in Order Transactions 'Rapid Update' when clicking lookups for Group or Resource. [352]
- Resolved an issue where users were not able to use the Resource Code Change Utility because of a resulting "Object Reference not set to an instance of an Object" error. [3618/t170566]
- Resolved an issue where Calendar Invites were being sent when configured to not send. [3637/t172186]
- Resolved an issue where duplicating a Work Order in Schedule Book resulted in a syntax error. [4652/t172486]
- Resolved an issue where custom Date/Time fields created on the Roster Time Off document displayed as default 00:00 on Schedule Book Bar/Hover when no value was entered. [6381/t171201]
- Resolved an issue where errors were caused by editing bookings in Schedule Gadgets by dragging. [7368]
- Resolved an issue where Schedule Book > Group Availability was not showing the amount used on Transmission views. [7490]
- Resolved an issue that caused performance problems in Schedule Book, such as non-responsive Zoom Control, expanding/collapsing of Groups, navigation buttons, as well as various errors when navigating. [8816]
- Resolved an issue where RMB click options did not work in Full Screen mode. [8902]
- Resolved an issue in the Schedule Book where the Day/Time was repeated in certain zoom level views. [9022]
- Resolved an issue where users were confused about how to exit Full Screen mode from Gadget Calendars. [9036]
- Resolved an issue in the Schedule Book where using Drag/Drop would show the wrong booking type. [9226]
- Resolved an issue caused by attempting to add the same group twice to a Schedule View would result in an error. [10239]
- Resolved a cosmetic issue where the Added/Changed User pop-up on search filter windows was labelled 'Select Date Added'. [453/t171696]
- Resolved an issue where Export Column Names were pulled from 'Factory Prompt' instead of 'Current Prompt'. [477/t171279]
- Resolved an issue where an error would appear when changing a search list's layout while in the second page of the search. [613/t171758]
- Resolved an issue where assigning a Work Group to a Setup value required a restart of the Application Server to see the value in dropdowns when logged into a Division included in the Work Group. [2745/t170950]
- Resolved an issue where saving column order did not save the fact that some columns had been removed. [2839/t170557]
- Resolved an issue where setup and bumper time were not included in Calendar Invites. [3749/t172281]
- Resolved an issue where Calendar Invitation messages were not formatted correctly after an upgrade.[4169/t172356]
- Resolved an issue where Calendar invites sent through the Exchange Server integration had Begin and End times displayed in the wrong time zone. [4715/t172485]
- Resolved an issue where Relative Date settings were not retaining their values upon re-opening the Relative Date/Time window. [4843/t172556]
- Resolved an issue where the logged in Division's default Change Control Template for a particular document (in this case, Bid), was not populating into new Bids. [5835/t172638]
- Resolved an issue caused by using a Default ID to create a new Customer resulting in errors. [7474]
- Resolved an issue in search lists caused by searching by the primary document key retrieved all records and blanked out the field criteria. [7795/t173034]
- Resolved an issue where an "object reference" error occurred when saving a new Profile from a Contact record. [8266]
- Resolved an issue where after opening Relative Date/Time from a list Filter window's date picker, when you made a change and clicked 'OK', the button was unresponsive. [8405]
- Resolved an issue where moving columns on a grid would result in misaligned columns. [8850]
- Resolved an issue that occurred when selecting fields from multiple tables while setting up a Meeting Body Template for the Exchange Server Interface under the Preferences > Scheduling resulted in an error. [9248/t173371]
- Resolved an issue caused by attempting to capture an image in Media Asset Inventory would result in an error. [9292]
- Resolved an issue where the Media Order search would not properly display User and Vendor names. [10609/t173853]
When selecting an upload, the code tries to determine if the type of attachment is a file or not using the nullable “no_file” column in the database. This column does not have a default value and if not populated, can return null. This appears to be a newer column, so it is possible that there may be older data in their
sys_attachment_type table where this column is NULL. In this case, I default the value to “N”, assuming the type is a file upload. One of the exceptional cases where it is not is if the attachment type is a URL. As they state the file is still attached and accessible, it is safe to assume they are not adding only a URL attachment. [10659/t173870]
Time Card
- Enabled the display of the Payroll Rule applied to a Timecard Detail row on the 'Timecard Batch Report (TcBatchReport -105). [4167/t170739]
- Resolved an issue where Restricted users were able to see other Employees' records. [8275]
- Resolved an issue where opening Time Card Activities setup caused an internal error. [8942]
- Resolved an issue caused by browsing to a Resource on the Transmission Order Services tab that was in conflict because of overlapping Setup and Bumper time, the “Not Available” icon wasn't showing. [2695/t170412]
- Resolved an issue in the MCR View, where a Transmission Order Note was overridden by another Transmission Order Note. [2788/t171959]
- Resolved an issue where using Rapid Update on Transmission Transactions would result in errors [3004/t172011]
- Resolved an issue where Transmission Capacity (Schedule Book Hover) was not calculating the amount used for a booking. [7535]
- Resolved an issue where MCR View Service header/detail rows were not sorting properly when the Order rows were expanded. [7537]
- Resolved an issue where the MCR link to transactions was opening the Media Order Transactions document instead of the Transmission Order Transactions document. [9605]
- Resolved an issue where users could edit locked orders using the visualizer [9827]